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What is #BlogOnXmas?

Tickets to #BlogOnXmas go on sale today – 1st February 2017 but what is the difference between the May conference and Septembers?

Firstly “IT’S CHRISTMAS!!” (If you didn’t read that in your best Noddy Holder voice, go back and read it again.)

Ok, ok, I know it is not actually Christmas, however, the venue will be decorated in a Christmas theme, there will be Christmas food and drink available and you are expected to turn up in your best Christmas jumper.

Last year we had some rather amusing, but ever so slightly annoying elves turn up who ran amok created havoc during the event. This year I am afraid to say that they have been refused holiday from Santa’s workshop so sadly won’t be in attendance, however we are expecting another surprise guest instead.

For #BlogOnXmas there will still be the same great workshops we all know and love, however, there will be a lot more emphasis on thinking ahead and content planning for the Christmas season, as this is the most important trading period for brands and a time when you can see your stats go through the roof if you approach your reviews in the right way. 

We will have sessions on how to approach and pitch to brands, how to make sure your media kit gets you noticed and how to make sure your blog and vlog content gets seen.

There will also be the chance to meet new brands, see the products that have been tipped to be the must have’s for Christmas 2017 as well as developing relationships with people you speak to over email throughout the year.

Things to bring:

Money – There will be a “mahoosive” raffle with the chance to win some of the must have toys and games for 2017 as well as a large tombola with smaller prizes.

A Suitcase – Somewhere to put your epic goody bag and any raffle prizes

Business Cards – to hand out to the brands in attendance

Christmas Jumper / Hat – there will be a prize for the best one

You! – Leave your nerves at home and come and join in the fun

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