My first BlogOn: Why I’m excited and terrified in equal measure
Well it’s only 5 sleeps until BlogOn, and to be honest I’m starting to swing between so excited I could wee (I’ve had two kids, my pelvic floor isn’t what it used to be) and being, well, a bit scared.
Why am I going? Well, Laura, otherwise known as ‘she who must be obeyed’ and I met back in November, when we got drunk on a posh boat and nicked lots of champagne whilst Laura was in a posh frock and slippers. I’m sure I’ll tell you the story after ‘wine and cake’ time. First impressions last and I thought anything she organised had to be worth attending. And so here we are.
Here are some reasons why I’m really excited and blooming terrified!
As a softie southerner, I haven’t been to Manchester in aaaaages so I’m taking the opportunity to meet up with some fab friends of mine the night before. This does however mean…
I have a massive FOMO – I am already so insanely jealous of everyone going to the launch party I may eat my own arm. What if something hilarious happens and I miss it? What if everyone already knows each other and I’m the only loner? Don’t have too much fun without me, you hear?
Despite having been at it well over a year now, I am such a blogging noob and I really want to LEARN. FILL ME WITH YOUR KNOWLEDGE OH WISE ONES. I’m particularly looking forward to ‘Working with brands’ (and not just because of the speaker…) and ‘Advanced blogging shite’ which sounds right up my alley
I will rock up hungover. Please, hangover gods, do not let this happen. Pick on someone else.
Meeting a bunch of lovely bloggers who I haven’t met before, and some that I have. I’ve never had a dull time when with other bloggers.
That I won’t recognise anyone and will have to stare at everyone’s chest area in order to ascertain who they are. What’s more embarrassing, staring straight at someone’s boobs, or having to admit you have absolutely no idea who they are?
Wine and cake. There is a whole section of the agenda dedicated to wine and cake.
Nothing about wine and cake terrifies me. Nothing. Unless they run out of cake. Or wine. That is terrifying.
I have a hotel room ALL TO MYSELF. No children to wake me up at 4.23am and no husband snoring. This is possibly the thing I am MOST excited about, even though it’s only a Travelodge.
That instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour, I’ll end up being a dumbass and drinking until the small hours and returning home in a state of half-hangover, half-still-inebriation.
The goody bag. I am a massive sucker for a freebie, even one I have absolutely no good use for, and have it on good authority that they are EPIC.
Carrying all the goody bag shit back through London is going to be worth of the Krypton facto.
What are YOU most looking forward to about BlogOn?
Jenny @thebrickcastle
16/05/2017 at 3:22 pmTo be honest I’ve been at it a while and often chat away to people I don’t actually know, or smile politely at somebody I’ve had a virtual friendship with for years. The problem with bloggers is you’ve seen them all online loads, so everyone looks vaguely familiar. Just wing it and talk to everyone 😀
(Jenny @thebrickcastle)
16/05/2017 at 9:51 pmI’m excited to learn new things and meet new people but I’m also scared that it will all go over my head and be too much for me. Im.not very confident person so don’t really introduce myself and that may come across rude
17/05/2017 at 5:28 pmSee you there, Fran! You’ll love it, honest. As long as you avoid the bloke doing the session on Advertising & Promoting – I’ve heard he’s well dodgy … 😉
18/05/2017 at 7:53 pmCécile! I cannot believe we will meet again! I will be sure not to do anything too embarrassing until the actual conference. And the hotel room? Heaven. I am going to lounge about and enjoy lying in bed like a silent starfish.
19/05/2017 at 4:41 pmHilarious, love, love, loved reading this, it’s so me; swinging from one extreme to another! Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen Saturday without you and will cancel the strippers and fire eaters immediately! (Joke…don’t even like fire eaters) 😉
Pam lorimer
09/09/2018 at 8:48 amHaha this sums up my exact thought on next weekend! Looking forward ti thst hotel room on my own more than anything right now but so scared of a hangover! Cant wait to hopefully meet you next weekend.