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Meet The Blogger: Over 40 and a Mum to One

Here at BlogOn we like nothing more than showcasing different bloggers and their wonderful blogs. This week’s blogger is Mary from Over 40 and a Mum to One. If you fancy being featured on Meet the blogger then please email

Over 40 and a Mum to One

Name – Mary

Blog URL –

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 Facebook –

How long have you been blogging and what made you start?

I created the blog in October 2012 but really started blogging consistently 5 years ago, in February 2013.  I wanted to document my life as an older Mum with my son, and share our adventures along the way.

What do you wish you had known before you started?

I wish I’d known how much time you can spend on social media.  It did all take over at one point a few years ago and I just had to step back from it all.  Time away from the blog and laptop is very important.

What one tip would you give to a new blogger?

Don’t compare yourself to others and don’t got hung up on stats.  

What is the most surprising thing you have learned since you started blogging?

I had no idea I’d make the friends I have over the years I’ve been blogging.  It’s a wonderful benefit to blogging.

What is the best thing about blogging?

Apart from the friendships I’ve made, it’s the flexibility it offers me and the opportunities the blog has given to both my son and I.

What new skills have you learned since you started blogging?

A few techie things to do with blogging software.  I knew nothing about things like Pinterest and SEO before I started blogging.

What is the most unusual thing you have done/received because of blogging?

A few years ago when my son was still at pre-school we got to meet the Gruffalo at Wendover Woods and appear on Countryfile Live.  My son was the hero of pre-school for months after that and the expression on his face all day will stay with me forever.

What has been your proudest blogging achievement so far?

It’s something others don’t see, but it’s the emails I receive from readers of the blog, especially other older mums to one.  It’s lovely when something you’ve written strikes a chord with others.

What is your blogging goal for the next year?

To juggle a new part time job with the blog.  I’ve been a SAHM mum for nearly 9 years, so it’s a big change for me on a number of levels.  I don’t want the blog to suffer, so if no one spots anything different then i’ll have achieved something!

What will you be doing in 5 years time?

Pulling my hair out over the antics of a teenage boy probably whilst trying to pretend I’m not 55 then, I would imagine.

Will we see you at a BlogOn event this year?

Maybe, the logistics of getting to Manchester and back with limited childcare options have proved difficult in the past.  I did love the Winchester session though.

If Yes, What do you hope to learn more about at BlogOn?

Always looking for photography tips.

If you liked this make sure you check out last weeks Meet the Blogger.

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