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Meet The Blogger: Mayflower Blogs

Here at BlogOn we like nothing more than showcasing different bloggers and their wonderful blogs. This week’s blogger is Jemma from Mayflower Blogs. If you fancy being featured on Meet the blogger then please email

Mayflower Blogs

Name; Jemma Willson
Blog URL;

How long have you been blogging and what made you start?

I’ve been blogging for a little over two years.  I began writing as an outlet for my thoughts and feelings-an online diary if you will.  After losing three babies, and not receiving any mental health aftercare for the trauma I had gone through, it was an outlet that helped me massively when having darker days where I felt alone.

What do you wish you had known before you started?

Is it cheating to say ‘everything’?
I would want to know it all-how to set up a website, how to fix broken links, the blogging groups that will help (and the ones that won’t), the admin and SEO related stuff-all of it.  It all takes so long to learn, when you just want to write it can get in the way to learn how to do all of these things at the beginning.

What one tip would you give to a new blogger?

You do you.  No one else is going to write exactly like you-no body else can run your website.  Stay true to yourself rather than following an ideal of what “should” be done.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned since you started blogging?

How many people read my blogs!  I’m still very much “small fry” but considering I didn’t think anyone would read what I wrote, the number that now do, continues to blow me away!

What is the best thing about blogging?

Being able to do something I not only enjoy, but I know that I’m good at.  I love it and I have a talent for it-that’s the best kind of job surely?

What new skills have you learned since you started blogging?

As above, I built an entire website, learned how to add widgets, plugins and how to make sense of SEO.  I can now manage several social media pages, and I’ve even learned how to vlog!

What is the most unusual thing you have done/received because of blogging?

Unusual to me is just something out of the ordinary.  Receiving an entire holiday with Haven in exchange for a blog post and some social media posts was pretty much the highlight of my blogging career so far.  I’m massively grateful for anything I receive though!

What has been your proudest blogging achievement so far?

Being nominated for the ‘Mums Voice’ award with Tommy’s the baby charity.  I may not have won, but to be recognised for my efforts and talent for writing was something super special.

What is your blogging goal for the next year?

This next year sees the start of much more freedom in my personal life-my daughter starts full time school in September (which actually coincides with the BlogOn Conference!)
I’ll be stepping up the amount of work I do, and spending more time working on my website and posts.  I’ve unfortunately had to scale the work load back a little since my husband started a new job which left me with little time to write, but I look forward to getting back to it properly, and building up my social media channels!

Will we see you at a BlogOn event this year?

Hell yeah!  I already bought my ticket during the early bird sale, and will be attending the September Xmas event with another blogger (for moral support, it’s my first time!)

If yes, what do you hope to learn more about at BlogOn?

Anything and everything-I love learning new things, especially for my blogs and website. I’ll take any advice and education on subjects, and hopefully go on to use the tips and tricks taught to me in my future work!
If you liked this then why not check our last Meet the Blogger.
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