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Meet The Blogger: Les Be Mums

Here at BlogOn we like nothing more than showcasing different bloggers and their wonderful blogs. This week’s blogger is Kate from Les Be Mums. If you fancy being featured on Meet the blogger then please email

Les Be Mums

Name – Kate

Blog URL –

Instagram –

How long have you been blogging and what made you start?

We’ve been blogging for around six to seven years now and started to simply document our conception journey. Being a same sex family, we knew it would be an interesting one and one we’d probably want to read back on! We just didn’t think it would take as long.

What do you wish you had known before you started?

I guess how to really write? When we first started it was very much like a diary, so we wrote like we were speaking and detailed how we were feeling, as opposed to telling a story. I shudder when I read my old posts now.

Oh! And how to tag/categorise properly!!

What one tip would you give to a new blogger?

Comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t do it. Everyone has their own style and way of working. What works for one, may not work for you. Find your own way and own it.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned since you started blogging?

How many bloggers are out there! We’ve been reading a lot longer than writing, but even then, we read a lot more ‘niche’ blogs, such as other same sex families or TTC blogs, but a lot of these were in the US. We had no idea how many family blogs were out there in the UK.

What is the best thing about blogging?

The community. There is always someone at the end of a WhatsApp or within a blogging group who can help you. A close second is the amazing opportunities I’ve been able to give my family through blogging.

What new skills have you learned since you started blogging?

The Art of Negotiating. Or more so, being confident to do so! I blog on the side of working full time, so if someone is going to expect the world from me for £20 I’m gonna negotiate (or more likely; pass!).

What is the most unusual thing you have done/received because of blogging?

I don’t often have time to attend many ‘events’ but one thing that sticks out was when Sharon and I were invited to attend GoApe in Crawley. It was a whole new experience and one we’ll never forget.

What has been your proudest blogging achievement so far?

I think being generally recognised for our blog. Whether it’s people tagging me when PR’s ask for Rainbow Families on Twitter, being listed in ‘Top LGBT Blogs’, when someone has emailed or messaged asking for advice, or simply people recognising me in the street! It’s still quite alien sometimes, but knowing that I’m helping someone or increasing the visibility of LGBT families is a wonderful feeling.

What is your blogging goal for the next year?

Now there’s a question! Because blogging is very much a hobby still, I don’t really have ‘goals’ per se. I guess though that I would just like to increase my reach so that rainbow families like us are treated equally and included like everyone else. It’s very obvious in various rankings and campaigns the lack of diverse families included. I want that to change.

What will you be doing in 5 years time?

Hopefully decorating a new house and/or perhaps working a little less!

Will we see you at a BlogOn event this year?

Hopefully! I thoroughly enjoyed last year’s September BlogOn. It was my first one and one that I will always remember. It’s such a friendly event. I felt incredibly welcome despite being quite “small” in blogging terms, and the talks were informative no matter how long you’d been blogging.

If Yes, What do you hope to learn more about at BlogOn?

Video editing for sure! Whilst I’m not going to be the next big youtube star, I really enjoy making family videos but they take a lot of time due to my lack of knowledge.

If you liked this make sure you check out last weeks Meet the Blogger.

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