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Meet The Blogger: Dad’s Delicious Dinners

Here at BlogOn we like nothing more than showcasing different bloggers and their wonderful blogs. This week’s blogger is Ian from Dad’s Delicious Dinners. If you fancy being featured on Meet the blogger then please email

Dad’s Delicious Dinners

Name – Ian Northeast

Blog URL –

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How long have you been blogging and what made you start?

I have really only just begun my blogging journey. I started back in July last year. It started out of necessity if I am honest. It has always been important to me that the kids to eat healthy and well. Basically, we found ourselves in a rut. The same boring meals each week. So I decided that once a week I would make something that I had never made before from a fresh recipe. Being a single parent, budget was important to me. So, the challenge became set. A new home cooked meal each week for less than £5.00. To start with I had no intention about keeping a blog, but a couple of friends said that I should, so tentatively I went ahead. One thing led to another and I now find myself writing for various parenting magazines, the odd guest blog and my own blog has evolved and now includes my musings on parenthood too.

What do you wish you had known before you started?

How additive it is! Also, I really wish I would had confidence in myself and my writing. That way my blog may have gone live a long time before it did.

What one tip would you give to a new blogger?

As a new blogger myself, the mental peep talk I keep giving to myself is, keep going, keep writing, keep producing content and most importantly keep learning, SEO, social media, keywords, wordpress……. It is all a minefield to begin with, DON’T give up.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned since you started blogging?

Being diagnosed with dyslexia as a teenager, I honestly didn’t think I could write anything well. Discovering that people not only enjoy what I have to say, they come back and read more. I guess you could say I have learnt about myself.

What is the best thing about blogging?

I am fairly shy, so my blog becomes a way to express myself. Also, it is a great way to keep my brain active.

What new skills have you learned since you started blogging?

Where to start! Writing skills, computer skills, social media skills, (basic) SEO skills. Plus, I have probably become a better parent. Alongside producing my own content, I do find myself reading other peoples blogs too. So have picked up the odd hint and tip here and there.

What is the most unusual thing you have done/received because of blogging?

I haven’t really received anything yet due the blog. However I do keep finding myself taking random pictures of stuff that we do (thanks Instagram) or taking notes of silly conversations with the kids (thanks twitter). I guess I am a lot more observant these days.

What has been your proudest blogging achievement so far?

Apart from the obvious, which for me is having people read and enjoy stuff that I have written. Not so long ago, I was busy minding my own business in the local supermarket, when I spotted a couple with young kids, they were clutching a printed bit of paper, as I pushed my trolly past them I noticed it was actually a recipe from my blog which they had printed out. Initially I was really embarrassed and hide in the next aisle. However, when I got home and had time to reflect. I felt proud of myself and it dawned on me that perhaps people like what I do.

What is your blogging goal for the next year?

Being so new to it all, I really have monthly goals. However, over the year, I want to improve my writing, produce quality content and hopefully carry on keeping my readers entertained.

What will you be doing in 5 years time?

As a new blogger, it is really hard to envisage 5 years from now. But, fingers crossed I will still be blogging. The kids will be older and my content will have changed. But, as a family blogger thats the best bit. It doesn’t matter what age everyone is. There is always something to write about.

Will we see you at a BlogOn event this year?

Yes, I will be there in May. If you spot me, come and say hi. I will be the shy, nervous one in the corner, who doesn’t know anybody!

If Yes, What do you hope to learn more about at BlogOn?

More than anything, I really want to meet some of the people I interact with online, plus pick up some tips and just improve my knowledge and skills.

If you liked this make sure you check out last weeks Meet the Blogger.

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