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Finding Work

10 – Finding Work

When it comes to working with brands and getting paid work unfortunately it doesn’t always fall into your mailbox (although sometimes it does). I thought I would use this post to tell you about some of the places I find work whether that is paid or product.

BlogOn Pro

Well obviously the BlogOn Pro forum is a great place to start, I try to get my clients to pay as often as I can (and I don’t take a cut on any payments due to you unlike other places) but the majority of my projects will be product only. That said I work with some amazing brands and we will have a busy year ahead if the last few months are anything to go by. Make sure you check out the paid posts topic in the Extra members forum, I will try to keep it as updated as I can with paid contacts when I am allowed to share them.

Response source

Response source is a great way of pitching for review products, competition items or items for round-ups and gift guides. I find that being specific about what I am looking for helps to narrow down the rubbish emails I receive (although not totally prevent them) it also helps to set expectations. I always want a sample for photography and I make that clear in my request. I also tell them what they can expect in return such as a link and image on my blog as well as an image on Instagram if suitable.

Press Loft

Similar to response source but usually for smaller companies who you work with direct. Once you have signed up you can put requests out, you also receive emails from brands who match your profile and they will share what they are wanting to promote, reach out to them if you think it will work in a feature. I have also had success by picking something else entirely from their website and pitching that instead so don’t feel restricted.

Get Blogged

Although fairly low paid, has a range of projects that you can bid for based on your DA. They take a cut of the payment so you wont even get all of it but they usually have a decent amount of work to pitch for and every little helps sometimes.


I have only done 4 projects for intellifluence over the last 12 months but that is because I don’t pitch for them very often. The system is easy to use but the projects vary on price, that said once you complete a project you get given a payment date and I have always been paid on time.

Spam folder

I will say that a fair amount of the paid content I host has been fished out of my spam folder, either from my blog contact form or direct email. Check your spam folder every day or so to make sure you are not missing out on any opportunities.

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