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BlogOn Cymru – 2015

Hosted at the Sherman Cymru theatre in Cardiff on Saturday 7th March 2015, and the day provided 60 bloggers with the opportunity to meet like-minded folk, sharing ideas and experiences, expanding networks and developing relationships with brands.

We raised £252 for the Noahs Ark Appeal and enjoyed three sessions which inspired and informed the attendees.

10:00 – 10:30 – Hello’s and Signing in
10:30 – 11:00 – introduction and Keynote
11:00 – 12:00 – 1st session
12:00 – 13:00 – lunch break
13:00 – 14:00 – 2nd session
14:00 – 15:00 – CAKE break
15:00 – 16:00 – 3rd session
16:00 – 16:30 – goodbye & keynote
The Sessions

Working with Brands – Whether you are a beauty blogger, food blogger or any other type of blogger you will more than likely get approached or want to approach a brand so you can work together. This session brings together seasoned bloggers, PR representatives and Brands to discuss the do’s and don’ts of working together and how to ensure that you get what you want out of the relationship.

Photography – Whatever your blog is about beautiful pictures mean that people will keep coming back and whether you are looking to make that meal look good enough to lick of the screen or to really make your reviews stand out or maybe just to capture the perfect moment with your camera then this session is perfect for you. With lots of props to play with and things to learn make sure you have your cameras ready.

Social Media – No matter how many times you have been in a Social Media session there is always something new to learn and this session is no different. From things to help you with the sites you are currently using all the way through to exploring new social media sites, this session will hopefully answers some of your more niggling questions and the great thing is there are no lectures involved so bring your questions along and our panel will try to help you find the answers through great discussion and friendly debate.

BlogOn was started by Laura Seaton ( back in 2013 in Manchester but the current expansion sees some new bloggers join the ranks and with their contacts, expertise and local knowledge. 

Mum, wife, part-time teacher, full-time coffee-worshipper. TheBoyandMe has been blogging since December 2010 and is still in search of the holy grail – sleep. TheBoyandMe is an anonymous blogger who shares tales of family life with a five year old son, mixed in with play, craft, outdoor adventures and a lot of photographs. She has worked tirelessly on her blog over the years and has worked with lots of fabulous companies. She has wanted to create a conference in Cardiff for a while and after attending BlogOn MOSI 2014 she knew she had found the right one. She is well known across social media by her avatar and is forever greeting us with “morny” on twitter as well as sharing her fabulous photography with the world.

Debbie blogs at Johnson Babies about life as a mum. Predominantly a way of keeping track of family life, Debbie blogs about her three children including twins. Now back to juggling full time work, for Debbie blogging is a way of keeping sane and benefiting from the great friendships which blogging brings.

The Boy and Me and Debbie have wanted to provide the Welsh Bloggers with a professionally run, fun yet informative conference for a while and BlogOn is proud to work with these two fantastic bloggers on this event. The passion they feel about blogging in Wales is contagious and the sessions they are looking to run and the speakers they are lining up will ensure that this is an event you do not want to miss.

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