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Blogging to-do list’s

28 – Blogging to-do list’s

When it comes to blogging, it can often feel like your to-do list is never ending (I think we can all relate to this feeling at some point). There always seems to be a job that needs doing, a post that needs writing or an impending deadline that needs to be met. And let’s not mention all the niggling jobs you push aside “for later” like updating spreadsheets or the dread of fixing broken links! Whilst there is no magic wand to make these go away, there is a way to make life a little easier and more manageable for yourself and that’s by using a planner of checklist.

Why use a checklist or planner?

As I mentioned above, blogging can often feel never ending and sometimes a little overwhelming when things all catch up with you at once. This in turn ends up in a vicious cycle of knowing things need to be done, but not knowing where to start, so not starting at all. This only really leads to more stuff stacking up and leaving you with even more tasks to complete.

Therefore, having a planner or checklist that you can work through daily, weekly and monthly can really help because breaking down all those jobs into a few simple jobs a day can seem so much more manageable. Let’s not forget also how satisfying it feels to be able to tick off a job that you’ve done! These jobs can be as simple as responding to emails, planning a new post or just replying to comments etc all of which if done daily take minimal time compared to letting them stack up and then trying to do weeks’ worth of these jobs all at once.

There are several ways you can do this including using a paper planner/notebook where you can write into it yourself with daily goals/tasks. You could use a pre-made checklist like the free one I have included below. Or you could use a digital calendar to set reminders for yourself perhaps on your phone or desktop.

Blogging To Do List checklist

Below you will find a daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal/yearly checklist that you are free to use to help you make a start. It has blogging jobs on it that I have split into categories as to how often they need to be done but of course you can adapt this to your own schedules. There are also spaces left for each section where you can add your own ideas too. Every blogger will have their own jobs they like to do and every blog is different in what they need to make a priority, use the free spaces to add these in so you won’t forget them.

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