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So what do you really get out of attending a Blog On Conference?

BlogOn Conference was first founded in 2012 by Laura who was frustrated that blog conferences were only ever held in London and it has since gone from strength to strength, increasing in popularity ever year as word gets out how good it is.

I became part of the team in 2015 when I helped to organise BlogOn Winchester and from a personal opinion I believe that BlogOn works because it is fun, friendly, informative and relaxed.

Want to go to interesting sessions? 

The sessions are all based upon topical and popular requests and with three running at the same time there is bound to be something for everyone.

Fancy being introduced to some fabulous brands?

Brand engagement is key as a blogger and here you get to meet some of the friendly faces that you have been chatting to on email, get introduced to new brands to work with and even some that can help you earn money.

Hang out and network with fellow bloggers?

Possibly my favourite part of the conference is meeting like-minded bloggers. Because Blog On has a smaller number of attendees in comparison to its competitors, it feels more relaxed and people are happier to mingle. Sometimes in bigger conferences, bloggers radiate towards people they know making it feel more cliquey than in reality it is but I have never seen it happen here.

Don’t just listen to what I have to say, here some of our previous attendees thoughts:

This was my 3rd BlogOn but the 1st where I was going on behalf of my son’s reviews site as I rarely blog myself these days. The sessions were really useful and broken up into themes ranging from making money to working on your SEO skills. There are loads of PR people there with free samples and hands-on demo’s and it’s great to network with fellow bloggers too. Oh, bring some money for the amazing raffle too!”

— Maft Morley –

After attending all the “big” conferences, BlogOn is the one I will always choose to attend as it’s so friendly, welcoming and covers topics that bloggers really want, at an affordable price in a lovely location.
Ps – cake, wine and goody bags – what more could you ask for?!

— Beth Lawe –

BlogOn was my first blogging conference and it was when I realised bloggers are my people!!

— Anne Riddel-Roberts –

I found great new PR contacts, learnt loads about Instagram and photography and loved seeing people be happy with their raffle prizes. Plus the chance to chat with bloggers you’ve known online for ages

— Steph Curtis –

I attended my first BlogOn conference in September 2016 and I got so much more out of it than I would have expected. 1) First and foremost, I found the atmosphere incredibly friendly, so I would recommend it to anyone who’s never been to a blogging conference. 2) It was also full of fun and laughter, with elves who stayed in character all day, silly masks and hands-on sessions (festive food!) where you could really chat with other people. 3) Although I have been blogging for 3 years, I found the sessions incredibly informative and useful (photo editing, making money, growing your Instagram, YouTube, mindfulness). Don’t wait, just book your ticket!

— Mel Knibb –

BlogOn is the only place you can have fun, learn new Tips and tricks and mingle with like minded people while making yourself look like a t*t ramming things into suitcases for prizes before the wine even arrives!

— Clare Nicholas –

Still not convinced?

Check out our previous linkies with everyone’s blogs posts with their thoughts and feelings about the conference.

Blog On Winter: September 2016

Blog On Msi 2015

Blog On Win: October 2015

21st May – #BlogOnMSI


with 50% selling within the first 24 hours.

Click the link below to get on the waiting list for returned tickets. 

24th September – #BlogOnXmas

On sale 1st Feb 2017!

I urge you to book your tickets asap if you want to attend as I expect this will be as popular.

Book Tickets or Get On The Waiting List

For more about the author Kara check out our all new team for 2017

Meet The Team


  • Kirsty Dee
    15/01/2017 at 5:26 pm

    Oh this sounds amazing, going to try come to the September one ☺

  • Ness
    15/01/2017 at 9:31 pm

    Looks great for meeting other bloggers and getting tips. I’ve always been a bit afraid of going to a conference on my own.

  • JuggleMum Nadine Hill
    16/01/2017 at 10:08 am

    I think I have been to all the BlogOn conferences or if I haven’t then I’ve only missed one! It really is a fun day and I always strain to carry the goodie bags home! Can’t believe the May one is sold out already – just hows how popular this conference has got!

  • Kate Williams
    18/01/2017 at 7:53 pm

    Blog On seems to have the best reputation of all the blogging conferences at the moment – please can you come and organise one nearer to me though?!

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