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Introducing our BlogOn sponsor

If you attended BlogOn in May then you may have spoken to 34SP, a WordPress hosting company based in Manchester. The team that attended were amazing and the feedback from bloggers who made the switch to them after the event convinced me that they were a good fit. Not long after the event I decided to make the change and moved all of our sites over to them because how could I recommend a service without trying it myself. So I am very happy to announce that 34SP will not only be joining us at BlogOn but that they are also our main sponsor.

34SP will be taking a large space in our brand den where they will be available to help you with any WordPress questions you may have and tell you more about their service. They even offer 6 months of free hosting to all BlogOn attendees!


Don’t forget you can also find 34SP experts as part of our speaker panel with both Kayleigh and Tim sharing their extensive knowledge with us so whether you are a complete WordPress beginner or you just want to learn how to look after your site go and chat to them.

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